Sesame Oil

The benefits of sesame oil is just amazing! It prevents skin aging, wrinkles and pimples. It is enriched with vitamins that helps in the strengthening of hair from root.

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Ingredients: 100% pure cold pressed sesame oil.
INCI: sesamum indicum seed oil.
Origin: USA.
Certificate: organic.

Sesame oil is obtained from seeds of annual spicy plant beniseed Sesamum indicum by using method of cold extraction, with following refining. It is grown mainly in countries of Central Asia.

Sesame and sesame oil in 1500 B.C. was used by Egyptians as medicinal preparations. Ancient Egyptians associated sesame with immortality. It has some exaggeration, but sesame seeds actually rich with vitamins (especially vitamin Е), mineral substances: zink, needed for normal functioning of any human organism, phosphorus, calcium.

Sesame oil practically doesn’t turn bitter because during preparation is used unique technology. Thanks to this it is saved all needed useful elements which are good assimilated by living cells and act as antioxidant thereby reducing cells aging.

Properties: anti-oxidant, tonic, regenerative, moisturizing, nutritious, sun protective.

Is used:
✓ in treatment of burns, small fissures;
✓ for medical and preventive massage in osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatism;
✓ for tonicizing massage;
✓ in dry, fading and desquamative skin;
✓ for elimination redness, irritations, including allergic;
✓ to care of gentle skin around the eyes;
✓ for prevention sunburns, as it has a natural ultraviolet filter.

Methods of external application
Sesame oil can be used in pure form, composed in blends with other oils, as base oil for making compositions with natural essential oils, for enrichment with natural oil ready cosmetic preparations: creams, masks, shampoos, balsams. It is used for applications, bandages, smearings, preparing massage and cosmetic blends.

Apply few drops of oil on fingertips and rub in skin with a gentle massage motions.

Massage for sound sleep
Massage feet with warm sesame oil. Then put your feet in warm bath made of warming herbals and spicery such as, for example, ginger.

Oil for massage hands and foot
1 tablespoon of sesame oil, 5 drops of tea tree essential oil, 5 drops of rosemary essential oil. Making massage rub in hands or foot skin, remove rest with tissue.

Strengthening nails
Hold nails in warm water with lemon juice. Then carefully rub them with a brush. Again dip in solution and wipe dry. Massage nail bed with using sesame oil.

Oil in skin redness and dilated blood vessels
1 tablespoon of sesame oil, 5 drops of camomile essential oil, 3 drops of basil essential oil, 2 drops of cypress essential oil. Rub oil in cleaned skin daily, it is desirable for a night.

Moisturizing and rejuvenate body mask
3 tablespoons of sesame oil, 1 tablespoon of glycerin, 10 drops of mint essential oil, 10 drops of lemon essential oil, 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil, 3 tablespoons of cucumber pulp. Apply on your body for 30 minutes. Wash with warm water.

Mask for body flexibility
100 ml of sesame oil, 50 ml of grape juice, 50 ml of aloe juice (or pulp). Apply blend on your body for 30-40 minutes. Wash with warm water.

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